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COVID-19 Precautions

June 2020

CDC recommends the use of a broad spectrum disinfectant such as CaviWipes for hard surface disinfection. 1 minute contact time needed for Human Coronavirus, gloves required when handling CaviWipes.
Artist Arrival Procedure:
  1. Arrive 1 hour in advance of the appointment. Deposit keys and personal items away from the client area, remove the street mask, replace with fresh work mask.
  2. Put on gloves, CaviWipe phone, and place on side cart.
  3. Open windows, turn on a ventilation fan.
  4. CaviWipe artist and client tablets set aside on chair near the couch.
  5. Leave studio, CaviWipe bathroom surfaces in both bathrooms, including knobs and door handles.
  6. Re-entering studio, change gloves, and CaviWipe door handles on both sides of the door, buzzer button, thermostat, light switches, and all flat surfaces and the chair near the door.
  7. CaviWipe client table, de glove, and wash hands.
  8. Proceed with regular set up and preparations.
If the studio is hot, windows may be closed, fan turned off and AC turned on.
Client Initial Interaction:
  1. Make sure the client is masked before they enter.
  2. Direct client to put phone, ID, water bottle, and any other items needed for the appointment on the table near the door, and any other personal items on the chair near the door, while the artist puts fresh gloves on.
  3. Ask the client to wash hands, while the artist disinfects necessary items.
  4. Artist will put the client’s disinfected items on the table near the couch for them, while they are washing hands. Artist then CaviWipes client’s items that will be brought into the procedure area.
  5. Artist de-gloves, and can meet the client in the seating area.
Tattoo Process:
  1. Set up normally, invite the client to the work area, apply stencil, and proceed through tattoo as usual. Both client and artist wear a mask with filter the entire time.
  2. If either artist or client leaves the room ( i.e. to use the bathroom, they wash hands again or use hand sanitizer gel upon entering the room.
  3. Break down and clean up as usual.
After the client leaves:
  1. Artist CaviWipes hand washing sink, tablets, client table, a chair near the door, door handles, buzzer button, thermostat, and handles in bathrooms.
  2. Change gloves, take out the garbage.
  3. Wash hands before leaving.